Blank Pages
Our hands lingered as I fell in love… and he smiled because he knew. I had a paperback heart, creased by a tough few years and present heartaches. The colors had faded in some chapters and my spine was worn out and weak. I was anxious to see my book in good hands for once. And he kissed my wounds, seeing them as cracks to put his love in rather than scars. I have lost myself in the one I love, but I found myself too. So now I sit here, fingers hovering over keys, staring at a blank page and a few messy lines. But my thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations. For once, I’m speechless. So I think I’ll just start with our story. It’s the one that starts with me blushing shy and his eyes smiling under long lashes… And then… We were together. So I forgot the rest. I always found beauty in things that were imperfect- they are much more interesting and that made him my kind of perfect. And ever since then, ...