I’m Tired

I hurt 
And I'm always tired
Inside and out
I'm tired of being sick and left out 
I'm tired of being a default choice 
I'm tired of resenting family 
I'm tired of not being taken care of 
I'm tired of feeling like an inconvenience 
I'm tired of trying sooo hard to get attention 
I'm tired of trying to feel wanted 
I'm tired of feeling like I'm not the girl for you 
I'm tired of trying to convince myself I am 
I'm tired of trying to be the girl I think you want 
I'm tired of saying I'm fine when I'm clearly not 
I'm tired of being unhappy 
I'm tired of feeling alone in a full room 
I'm tired of being alone in a marriage 
I'm tired of supporting constantly and getting no support in return 
I'm tired of the pain squeezing my heart daily 
I'm tired of sobbing alone in bed 
I'm tired of being this me 
I'm tired of life 

I'm just tired. 

Written: October 27, 2016
