tree houses to rooftops
Childhood. We played pirate ship in his tree house, practically lived at each others homes, friendship being planted since birth. A lazy smile plays on his lips, a smirk that duplicates his smart aleck nature, the title of trouble maker is all over his face. His eyes get squinted, almost disappearing when he laughs at our jokes. His nonchalant saunter is an unmistakably trade mark, slowly taking in every moment of his day. Speaking in an octave lower than what would sound natural. He has a constant serious tone, especially when telling yet another humorous prank he has pulled, making it appear mature. While in his teasing behavior and staged cool, his love never fails to touch his eyes. His sincerity and intense care, I’ve never seen in any other person. Summer came and my mom’s sickness was at its worst. My deepest horror had come true, my mother was helpless. Fragile. Constant pain in her eyes. The weight of the world was in my hands. During her treatment, I stayed with him. ...